CCBHC Expert Panel
An inability to access community-based mental health and substance use care on demand results in heavy reliance on emergency departments, law enforcement, and Maryland’s limited behavioral health crisis response system.
States that have implemented Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) broadly have seen increased access to care, reductions in emergency department and inpatient utilization, mitigation of behavioral health workforce challenges, higher engagement post discharge from hospitals, improved utilization of medication assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorders, and improved integration with physical care.
In Missouri, CCBHCs have increased access to care by 35% and decreased hospitalization by 27%, while reducing hospital costs and realizing $15 million in savings. Here in Maryland, a CCBHC program at Sheppard Pratt has reduced hospital stays by nearly 50% and reduced the average per client emergency room visit cost by 80%.
During this year’s expert panel, we will hear firsthand about the outcomes achieved by CCBHCs from:
- Valerie Huhn, Director of the Missouri Department of Mental Health
- Joe Parks, Medical Director at the National Council for Mental Wellbeing
- Jeff Richardson, Vice President & COO of Sheppard Pratt Community Services.
This discussion will be moderated by:
Sheilah Kast, Host, On The Record, WYPR