2022 Behavioral Health and Aging Agenda
The Maryland Mental Health and Aging Coalition (MHAC) is comprised of representatives from aging and behavioral health consumer and family groups, provider organizations, professional associations, and related government agencies, all working together to improve the quality and accessibility of mental health and substance use services and supports for older Marylanders.
MHAC calls on the Maryland General Assembly to take the following actions in 2022:
- Modernize Maryland’s PASRR program to prevent unnecessary hospitalization and institutionalization of older Marylanders with behavioral health needs
- Fund dedicated behavioral health navigators in Maryland’s Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs)
- Provide funding to support the development of a 5-year plan on the cognitive and behavioral health needs of older Marylanders
- Pass legislation establishing a supported decision making program as a way of preventing the need for guardianship
You can learn more about the MHAC 2022 agenda here.
Action Alert!
Urge the Maryland General Assembly to Expand Behavioral Health Supports for Older Adults!
We need your help! Visit our Action Center to learn how you can quickly help us advance the MHAC agenda outlined above. Just a moment of your time will have a huge impact.
After you complete the Action Alert please forward this message to all your friends so they can make their voices heard too. Thank you for your support!
MHAMD 2022 Virtual Legislative Briefing
Please join us on February 17 for the MHAMD 2022 Virtual Legislative Briefing. This event is free to all!
Attendees will hear directly from elected officials and other decision makers about the public policy issues impacting Marylanders’ behavioral health.
The event will will also feature our annual Champions of Today award ceremony, honoring individuals whose leadership has had a lasting and profound impact on Maryland’s behavioral health system and the people it serves. Our 2022 awardees are:
Ms. Cynthia Petion | 2022 Distinguished Service Award for her exemplary lifetime leadership and public service resulting in a significant and lasting impact on the lives of Marylanders living with mental health and substance use disorders. Click here to say congratulations to Cynthia!
Ms. Michelle Zabel | 2022 Paula Hamburger Child Advocacy Award for her dedication and efforts to improve the lives of children and youth across the country living with mental health and substance use disorders. Click here to say congratulations to Michelle!
Delegate Joseline Pena-Melnyk | 2022 Legislator of the Year Award for her steadfast leadership during the 2021 legislative session resulting in a range of new policies that are critically important to our behavioral health community. Click here to say congratulations to Delegate Pena-Melnyk!
Further information about the material above is available on the Maryland General Assembly website.