Resiliency Road Trip: Mid Shore

The “Resiliency Road Trip” series, led by Frank Kros, aims to empower adults to guide and nurture children by equipping them with practical and powerful skills to shape resilient minds. On September 19th, our fifth of six stops on our “Resiliency Road Trip” will bring us to Mid Shore at the Oxford Community Center to host two free sessions:

  • Session 1: The Saddest Song: Adolescence, Suicide, and the Developing Brain from 10:30AM-1:00PM
    This topic introduces participants to the emerging research findings on how the adolescent brain develops and functions in the context of depression and suicidal behavior. The workshop will share with participants the significant insight gained into suicidal behavior over the last decade. The seminar will also supply participants with multiple tools for the practical application of this research to adolescents identified as “at-risk” for severe depression and/or suicide. The workshop also exposes participants to the growing body of resources on brain-compatible therapy and treatment programs for at-risk youth. More than 20 preventative and resilience-building strategies will be shared with participants to teach adolescents how to effectively cope with the adversity, depression, anxiety, and stress associated with adolescent development and challenging life circumstances.
  • Session 2: Rethinking Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: How to Enhance the Foundational Strengths of the ADHD Brain from 2:00-4:00PM
    Many believe that children with ADHD suffer from poor parenting or lack the moral fortitude to behave appropriately. Nothing could be further from the truth. ADHD is a physiological disorder of the brain with definite, predictable behavioral consequences. While the focus is most often on the negative aspect of these behaviors, developing minds with ADHD have a host of positive, adaptive, and extraordinary behaviors and capacities. Equipped with this new knowledge about the nature of ADHD, this learning experience explores how the ADHD brain works differently from non-ADHD brains and provides scores of practical interventions for enhancing ADHD strengths and effectively meeting ADHD-inspired needs for learning and behavior. Participants learn how to become “the surrogate frontal lobes” for their ADHD students and how to change their view of ADHD from a purely behavioral disorder to a unique brain construct that can be accommodated with highly successful outcomes. In this illuminating workshop, you’ll learn the 12 Power Tools for maximizing the strengths and minimizing the contextual struggles of the ADHD brain. This workshop is designed for educators, counselors, paraprofessionals, and parents of students with ADHD. School leaders will also find effective, low cost or no-cost interventions very useful as school-wide strategies.

Join us for one or both of these sessions on the Mid Shore to enhance your ability to support and nurture the resilience and well-being of the children in your care. Please consider attending some of the other sessions in another region by visiting our event page here! Light refreshments and snacks will be provided.


Thursday, Sep 19th, 2024


10:30 am - 4:00 pm


Oxford Community Center
200 Oxford Rd
Oxford, 21654

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