Sharing your Recovery Story

Many of us have had difficult experiences with trauma, mental illness, alcohol, or substance use throughout our lives. Sharing these experiences with others not only helps us to remember our strength and progress, but also provide hope that they too can overcome difficult experiences. This workshop will provide you with the tools to begin building your personal recovery story and share it in a safe and constructive way. You’ll learn to make intentional and thoughtful decisions about when to share your stories, for what purpose, how much is shared, and with whom. Your story is important! We invite you to start writing it with us.

Hosted by the Vibrant Aging Peers Program, facilitated by On Our Own of Maryland, Inc.

Use the button below to register online or call in via phone: 301-715-8592, then dial meeting ID when prompted: 942 9751 3769#


Tuesday, Sep 29th, 2020


3:00 pm - 4:30 pm



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