Array ( [post_type] => Array ( [0] => post ) [cat] => Array ( [0] => ) [post_status] => Array ( [0] => publish ) [nopaging] => [posts_per_page] => 9 [paged] => 19 [orderby] => date [order] => DESC )
Thomson Reuters Study- Mental Health Parity Unlikely to Hurt Employers
April 26th, 2012
In recently released press release, Thomson Reuters says the findings from two separate studies done by Thomson Reuters researchers in conjunction with SAMHSA, show that increased behavioral health coverage is unlikely to be costly to employers. The primary reasoning being the low utilization and…
RAND Completes Study on Federal Mental Health Parity Implementation
April 17th, 2012
A study published by the RAND Corporation, contracted by the HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, includes a short term analysis of current implementation of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. The study focuses on two issues in the current regulations, non…
Representatives Kennedy and Ramstad Commit to Fight for Final Rule on Mental Health Parity
March 23rd, 2012
Parity Champions Representatives Kennedy and Ramstad persist in the parity battle. Both were sponsors of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act and were instrumental in its passage. At a lunch on March 14th at the National Press Club, Kennedy and Ramstad pledged their commitment to stay…
Maryland Behavioral Health Community Submits Comments on the Essential Health Benefits Guidance
February 28th, 2012
The National Council For Community Behavioral Health Care developed a factsheet on what it means for behavioral health that states will be making decisions about the Essential Health Benefits Plan. It is imperative that we stay engaged in the process and fight to make sure that a full continuum of…
U.S. Department of Labor Attempts to Simplify Complaint Process
February 3rd, 2012
In November, the U. S. Department of Labor launched a new online form for all health insurance questions and complaints. The form isn’t specific to Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act complaints or questions, but can be used for parity questions and complaints. Consumers and providers…
Limit on Outpatient Mental Health Visits Removed by Insurer
January 2nd, 2012
Maryland Parity Project recently filed an individual complaint with the Maryland Insurance Administration to protest a limit on outpatient mental health visits imposed by an insurer operating in Maryland’s small group market. This limit has been removed. According to the policyholder we…
Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Board is Moving Ahead
December 28th, 2011
On December 19th, the Mental Health Association of Maryland (MHAMD) submitted comments to the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Board. The Maryland Health Benefit Exchange (HBE), an integral part of the Maryland’s health care reform implementation, was established by the Maryland General Assembly…
Just Released FAQ on the Federal Parity Law
December 14th, 2011
The US Department of Labor (USDOL) released FAQS About Affordable Care Act Implementation Part VII and Mental Health Parity Implementation on November 17, 2011. While these FAQs do not address all of the issues identified and aren’t everything advocates asked for, they do offer more clarity on…
Maryland Parity Project is Currently Filing Complaints
November 16th, 2011
The Maryland Parity Project’s complaint investigation process is underway! To date, we have filed 4 complaints on behalf of providers and consumers - all are in varying stages of investigation. Of these complaints, 3 were of perceived violations of the nonquantitative treatment limit…