Getting Connected to the Behavioral Health System

To access public behavioral health or disability services in Maryland, contact:

To find information on rights, responsibilities, and regulations, contact:

To find information on other available public services, contact:

Check out the wide range of activities and services provided by local organizations:

Maryland has many organizations dedicated to outreach, education, support, and advocacy for mental health.

Federal Resources:

Get involved in the national conversation about health care, mental health, and wellness issues.

Looking to broaden your awareness about behavioral health issues, treatment, and systems?

Here’s a list of topics and issues to get you started:

  • Psychiatric Advanced Directives
  •  Assisted Outpatient Treatment
  •  Assertive Community Treatment
  •  Americans with Disabilities Act
  •  Evidence-Based Practices
  •  Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
  •  President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
  •  Recovery to Practice (RTP) Initiative
  •  Person-Centered Planning
  •  Self-Determination Model
  •  Trauma-Informed Care
  •  Recovery-Oriented Practices
  •  Consumer-Driven Systems of Care
  •  Peer Support
  •  Co-Occurring Disorders
  •  Mental Health Courts
  •  Diversion from Incarceration and Reentry
  •  Integrated Care / Coordination of Care
  •  Health Care Reform
  •  Supported Housing
  •  Ticket-to-Work Program
  •  Employed Individuals with Disabilities Program
  •  Cultural Competency

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